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lunedì 29 novembre 2010

mental subjugation

The more i look around me, the more i see that; the more i do, the more i feel that it doesn't work. I think that there's a big problem in our society, in this epoch, maybe for the actual situation or condition, and this make us, people, robot-like serving the owner. Sometimes happens that you try to understand something, thta you spend many hours in finding some datas to confirm your thoughts or your thesis, it happens that often, in that wonderful world of freedom called internet, you can find those things. Of course is also your duty to filter and "clean" those news from bad contents too, and decide what you could do with that. Well, i often decide to share my knowledge, my thirst for knowledge. I think often how much words can weigh, how words make us feel, i have always the hope that those same words that made me reason, have the same effects on other people, i hope that the readers could ask theirselves some important question, this is my biggest hope. So let come back to the title, or rather what i see in front of my eyes, ignoring, completely ignoring at least some few words. Perhaps words sound strange just to read them, or maybe simply, people don't wish to read them, or still maybe who says (or writes) those words is not much considered by the readers, so everything disappears in a big grey smoke of desolation. The desolation that reigns in the minds, the mental laziness we have to suffer every day, that few times let escape, we malleable to its will, until we get to the actual situation: do not ask questions, but to assume; fight for castles made of air without knowing for what reason we are fighting; without looking for others proofs; going directly deep insulting others. This world is to tight for me, it's not a new (but unfortunately the space age is too far actually, so i must live here for now), for me the freedom is more thighter and tighter, or at least  what we usually call "freedom", and that with the biggest probability is just a mask for that i like to call "mental subjugation". What remained of freedom, the genuine freedom, is really a little (we can't even decide totally about our life). Everything is reduced to a  very big lie, that day after day we have to swallow, without having the right to spit it away because we don't like it. For all these reasons i feel everything too tight to me, and often i think if there are alternative ways to oppose this, "mental masturbation" i know, but i can't passive observe at all this, so as far as possible, i try to give valide notions to think over, spending a bit of our time to analyze that, at least to have something to compare with own thoughts and notions. Analyze, i like to analyze and give my own conclusions, according or not with other conclusions, but at least i'll always be sure that mine will be free and reasoned about all the shit that every day i have to listen or read, being sure that my thoughts are not lodged in my head just beacause i don't have sufficient ways to make comparison and get my own thought on that.

Yes, i'm really convinced that i have choosen to freely choose, unlike many other, at least i can be sure that my reasoning is just the result of my analyze and not the result of some enforcement. I'm sorry that sometimes, some choices are evaluated for bias, without asking why of these choices.

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